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What's in a Theme?

Your newly bootstrapped theme should look similar to the below structure.

On this page, we'll do a quick breakdown of what each file/directory's purpose is.

├── app.php
├── composer.json
├── controllers
│ ├── archive.php
│ ├── page.php
│ └── single.php
├── ecosystem.config.cjs
├── functions.php
├── index.php
├── package.json
├── resources
│ ├── css
│ │ └── style.postcss
│ └── js
│ ├── main.js
│ ├── pages
│ │ └── Archive.vue
│ │ ├── Home.vue
│ │ ├── Post.vue
│ └── ssr.js
├── rest-api
│ └── TestPost.php
├── style.css
└── vite.config.js


This is Inertia's entry point for your theme. Feel free to add anything you need, but remember that the HTML will only load on the first request.

See > Server-Side Setup > Root Template for more information.


These files will be the bridge between Wordpress and Inertia for serving GET requests.

Each file should contain a single class that:

  1. Extends the EvoMark\InertiaWordpress\InertiaController class.
  2. Provides a handle method.
  3. The handle method must return a call to $this->render().
// controllers/page.php

namespace MyAwesomeTheme;

use EvoMark\InertiaWordpress\InertiaController;

class Page extends InertiaController
    public function handle()
        return $this->render("Home", [
            // Add your page props here

The files in this directory are loaded in accordance with Wordpress' template hierarchy rules, albeit moved from the root of your theme to this controllers directory.

Remember that these classes will execute in SSR, standard and Inertia response contexts, so avoid using echo or relying on Wordpress hooks and filters.


Controllers are called via short-circuiting the template_include filter and call wp_head and wp_footer.


This is an optional file provided to make running your InertiaJS SSR process easier. It is read by the PM2 process manager and keeps your process running reliably.

For more information see the page on PM2 Ecosystem Files


The standard entry point for your theme. The bootstrapper will populate this with a small amount of code.

The code new RestApi is a call to WP Rest Registration which allows you to easily register REST API endpoints that can validate input.

We'll be using these endpoints to process information submitted by our InertiaJS frontend. See rest-api below for more details.


Intentionally left empty to prevent directory indexing


A file used by NodeJS package managers to install dependencies required by your theme. Common package managers are NPM, PNPM, and Yarn.


This is where the majority of your themes frontend will live. It's no different from a standard InertiaJS project setup, so we won't go into much detail on the file structure.


Since InertiaJS sends its data via AJAX requests, we can't use our controllers classes to process it. Instead, we must use special REST API controllers.

All classes in this directory are automatically registered by the call the new RestApi in your functions.php file. The structure of these files should be familiar to anyone experienced with Laravel Controllers.

See the WP REST Registration documentation for more details.


Required by Wordpress.


Used by Vite to bundle/build your theme's JavaScript and CSS files. You shouldn't need to change anything here to get Vite working, but feel free to add more plugins.

Released under the Apache2 License.