If you've used the theme bootstrapper, then you should be ready-to-go with expanding your theme.
A Brief Introduction to Vite
Vite is a build-tool/bundler that takes all of your development files and creates browser-compatible JavaScript and CSS.
It also provides "Hot Module Reloading" (HMR) in development mode that updates your browser page in real-time (without causing a page refresh) when you make changes to your code.
At evoMark, we've created some tools that make using Vite with Wordpress a breeze. These will be already installed for you, but if you're interested, they are:
- WP Vite - A PHP package that brings Vite to theme and package development
- Wordpress Vite Plugin - The JavaScript companion package for frontend
Starting the Dev Server
From your theme directory, run the dev
script and your development server will start.
In your browser, go to your Wordpress site and you should see the start of your adventure in Inertia Wordpress.
The Local
URL shown above is the URL of the dev server itself. You will not be able to see your site at this address.